Why being imperfect is perfect in business.
People screw up, we make mistakes. We are not mindreaders and at times we just get it wrong with the client or prospect. I want to show you how that is a good thing.
Most of us are deligent and I assume you do things daily to live and thrive in this world and I am also assuming that you are like me and make mistakes from time to time. People are not perfect. Yet many of us have such high expectations of ourselves that mistakes upset us. Are you upset frequently over mistakes? Read on for a new look.
“To exist in this world, you have to be willing to make mistakes and sometimes to disappoint other people.
You have to be willing to be exactly who you are.
And you have to be willing to disappoint yourself along the way. “ ~ Paul McAskill
What do you hear?
I want you to hear, and to learn from this article that being less than perfect, is perfect and hence how to make the most from being you.
I believe that our business culture and climate expects so much from everybody and perhaps we put that pressure on ourselves as well. Perfection is not the game we are playing, its not even close. Perfection is a concept in which there is no right answer but for many it is a daily struggle.
In business when we are delivering a product or a service to a client your goal should be to understand your clients needs and to be in a partnership with them to solve their problems or deliver your solution that HELPS THEM. Another way to say or do this is to under promise and over deliver. Perfection is not in that definition.
So that alone should let you know that it is ok to make a mistake. In fact we all know logically that mistakes do happen. They happen all the time and it is a part of life, learning, trying, experimenting or any endeavor you take on. Mistakes are simply trying something and not getting the result that you want. The thing you do need to be responsible for is how you deal with the mistakes you make. You will make them. I want to show you that “mistakes” can often be an opportunity for something else.
The importance of dealing with mistakes tells more about you, and can actually help you in many ways. People will learn more about you and your business in how you deal with mistakes than they ever will if you simply meet their expectations. Trust is formed between two people when authenticity is present and when you are willing to be vulnerable.
In an energy conversation company I worked in we dealt with mistakes head on. Our values in the company encouraged and allowed for people to make mistakes. If one of our workers made a mess, or broke something by accident in the work we did, they personally left a hand written note on a note card supplied to them to use. The card was blank, folded in half and had the company name and logo on the front. We made sure that each installer had these cards. One day I heard that a printer tray was broken in the CEO’s office while doing a lighting retrofit project. A note card was left on his desk stating what happened and what would be done about it. I heard about the accident from my client who called me and thanked us for leaving the card. Thanked us. He went on to say that this attention to detail made him look good when the CEO told him about it. We got more work from the company, a lasting and trusting relationship and the CEO got a new printer which was cheaper and easier to replace than the tray.
So turn your lemons into lemonade, I will show you how. I love it when a client feels like they made a mistake in communication with a client or prospect. I always see that as an opportunity to excel, to dig deep into the relationship. Now while my client may be embarrassed or upset I can see the benefit of cleaning up the mess and showing the prospect or client how you deal with things that may be less than perfect. Like the example above, these are opportunities to showcase who you really are and that pays huge dividends for the long haul with the next perfect client.
When was the last time you said, I’m sorry in business.
Or the last time you told a client NO, that time frame is not possible.
Or when you fired a client that demanded too much.
These actions and more are NOT natural in our business culture. I have been told by smart bosses to lie to a client rather than tell the truth. I never felt comfortable and still do not, niether should you. I find that authenticiy is what matters so do more of that.
I invite you to take stock, and consider the new paradigm I have invited you to.
I am here when ready to listen to what you have to say.
You deserve all the mistake you make, make them proudly and move on.
If you don’t believe me, ask any professional baseball player doing well when 1 out of three times they get to bat they actually do their job and get a hit. One out of three. How are you batting?
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