Intentions are what you are most likely doing already.
If You Don't Like What You Have, You're Doing It Wrong

Intentions are what you are most likely doing already. In this article I will point to what intentions are and how to use them for your personal benefit and to utilize your full potential.
In a previous post I defined the power of Awareness in your life. I recommend reading that first if you just stumbled upon this title or at least read it after. The link is here, Awareness Matters to Your Success
If you don’t like what you have, your doing it wrong.
Everything always happens ONLY in the present moment. That is the only part of your day that you can actually control. When people are down or just not in the groove they are not producing great results. This is you, this is me. We all have day to day moods and more appropriately moment to moment views of the quality of our life's and hence the results you produce too. You can have bad moments in a day or bad days all day long when the bad moments string together.
"I used to tell my sales team members that worked for me to go home, go play golf or go do anything but do not talk to my clients when you are in a bad mood. And I meant it. I knew that they were not going to be successful so why take that out on our clients and my profits." ~ Paul
I am here to tell you that bringing AWARENESS to the present moment can alter your moments, your days and it can be done immediatly. You and I have good moments and bad moments during our days and in this post I want to encourage you to turn more bad moments into good or great ones with awesome results. Do I have you yet?
If you don’t like what you have, your doing it wrong. That is what Intention is about. If you do not like what you have your intention was set to experience exactly what you have. I want to help you learn how to set it right and have more fun while producing better results. Now I have you? Let’s get to work.
“The supreme joy, the profound lessons and learning, the greatest of all experiences of life are available only in the present moment.” ~ Yogi Amrit Desai
Think about it, when you booked those vacation air tickets for you and the family, when did your excitement start? There was probably some excitement then, and maybe some fear mixed in immediately after the excitement wore off with all the details necessary to get done before the trip. Both are intentions. When you practice Awareness of the present moment you know that the brain is the master and our stream of “natural” consciousness is not necessary the best tool we have.
You need to start with the present moment, Now. You could make the conscience choice for living with positive and powerful intention. It is just a choice and you will not be graded so what do you have to lose except for all the suffering and misery. But wait Paul, my problems are external, it’s my boss, my wife, my children its them. I say this too is a choice, and the question you really need to ask yourself is, 20 years from now, what will I be most proud of by making the choice I make today.
"My life is peaceful, I am accomplished, and I have loads of “free time” to pursue other challenges that inspire me besides my work. I am friends with people that matter to me, we laugh together and have mutual respect for each other. I happily contribute to others and inspire them to live a life they love." ~ Paul
I wrote that as fast as I could type it 20 seconds ago. It is not hard, it is just who you already are. Just look for what you want and do not want to commit to then write your intention based on what you really want. Yes that is it. Go with that, and you can change it later there is loads of time to practice.
The practice of Intention starts with your desire to live a life you love, and then it is the daily moment to moment practice of Awareness and choosing the path that aligns with your desire. If you want a pleasurable drive to work in traffic plan ahead and choose to be peaceful and arrive at your destination exactly when you do, not a second sooner. Stress is removed in your drive when you choose to be peaceful. I choose to do that so I would be happy. It worked.
You can also choose your partner in business, exactly as they are. No one is perfect and your intention could simply be: To accept my business partner as they are, and know that our working together is a great match that allows us to make lots of money while producing great products. This could change your life with practice. You could show up to work with that intention in mind and when your partner goes blah, blah blah, you will be prepared to shrug it off and go back to being happy.
You see in my experience none of us are perfect but what we are is compassionate. That can make a huge difference. We have the ability to set our own intentions and battle against the world’s drama in our own world of being happy and productive.
Intentions like I said are what you do already. Do you know a person who always is having a bad day and explain it away like it is normal. The Debbie Downer of the crowd. That is Intention. That person should read this article and then decide if choosing to life with complaints is the best they can do. Me, I used to complain all the time, I thought the world was secretly stacked against me. Now I know every day that I am alive and whatever bad mood I wake with, I have the power and the ability to alter the course of events in my life and how I experience those events to make my life better.
I practice Awareness and set positive and powerful Intentions when it is appropriate. I do not do it all the time, but when I do I do notice the result and the result is spot on fulfillment. Practicing awareness will take your programmed script and allow you to develop new habits that may last a lifetime bringing you your desired outcome. The time is now, choose. In your process to living a life you love you will stumble and maybe forget this tool and wisdom, its normal. I am here when you need to be reminded of how great you are for trying. Just by trying you are doing better than most. Thanks.
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