Awareness is the practice
YOU must give up the struggle, and notice how easy it is to do just that.

Awareness Matters to your success
You must give up now, your future is already designed for you.
Give up the worry, give up the stress, give it all up because your future will look exactly like your past unless you grasp the point I am making in this article. That is true, your future will probably look pretty much like it feels today. How is that working out?
In this article I want to share with you a simple concept that you can practice to shift the feelings and results you are producing to be more fun and positive.
We all live from our past experience, that’s where we learned everything we know and we know that we know that. But we also believe that there is some future out there that is better, that is what many would call hope. Hope is not a pretty word, Websters says: to cherish a desire with anticipation. That may sound good but it says nothing about achieving a desire. It says that we live cherishing the future and for many a better future will never get here.
Your desired future starts with “Awareness”.
We all go through the motions of our daily lives oblivious to the stream of consciousness running though our brains and that stream of consciousness is constantly informing us of our experiences and quality of life. Many of us can complain endlessly about things that are probably beyond our control. We silently moan to ourselves in the middle of company meetings, we curse under our breath about selfish drivers or why the prospect just is the wrong one when they do not buy from us. These streams of consciousness are patters we have developed since we were young and hence they run in our head like a script that we must follow to struggle on in life.
Well what if it was different. I mean really, pick one of the following;
I want to live my life experiencing joy and happiness.
I want to struggle in misery while getting life done.
We are living one of these intentions daily. Some of us fluctuate back and forth but most of us are steadfast in our commitment to that script that was written so long ago. I am not here to analyze your past, and I am not necessarily suggesting that you need to either. I would just ask that you agree that this scripting is part of you, and that the negative scripting does not bring you happiness. Once your make this conscious choice what there is to do is practice.
I speak to and listen to a lot of people, mostly clients who tell it like it is with me and I do hear a lot of “problems” or “complaints”. I can tell you with certainty that the number one thing I constantly hear is how people limit themselves through PAST scripting. I believe we all do this at some level, I do believe that we all assume the worst at times. Well lets do better than that and I simply ask one thing; To simply practice NOTICING the trail of scripting running through your head.
The practice is Awareness. Being present to the moment and being present to the scripting in your head. That’s it. Awareness is the tool that can favorably alter your future desires into reality. But first you need to know that you have the ability to practice this, and that it is not hard. You just need to be willing to practice and not just try it out. The practice is to specifically notice your brain chatter during the day for as many times as you do it. The more you practice and notice the chatter the easier it will be to alter your course from the past habits to future potential.
This practice is simple, and effective, hence one of my favorites. I do not pretend to say you may not need my assistance in this process and for that I am ready to talk to you. I know breaking old patterns can be difficult, and I also know you are making the first step by reading this, you are committed to getting better results with more ease.
Start by just noticing the negative or positive experiences or thoughts you have during the day. Notice what your brain is saying and how you are feeling. When you first wake and have your thoughts, what are the thoughts and what are you feeling? Are you dreading another commute to slave all day in your profession? Are you nervous about the big presentation and find yourself short of breathe 2 minutes after waking up? This is the real world and this happens to many people, me included. Continue to notice just like that all day long.
Just notice the information presented and do nothing with it. Just notice it. While you notice that steam of feelings and thoughts just understand that the information in your brain either comes from past experiences, fear, or the possibility and excitement of something new.
So if you just had a great phone call with a client and you have a moment while you hang up the phone that you love your life, just notice that and what your brain said.
Also notice the negatives, like the feeling you may get staring at the phone about to call a client when that feeling of dread overtakes you. Stop and notice. The script will be some fear of the future or some negative experience from the past guaranteed. Just notice it. Get excited that you noticed it and notice that once you have that thought and actually did notice the pattern that you are no longer subject to the feelings that come along with it. Just notice.
As you notice, and noticing gets easier you will also notice more ease in your life. A sense of control that was surprisingly missing just days before. This is the point. For you to enjoy your life in the moment today, and many times today. Your chores from the past could become your joys for tomorrow.
The practice of awareness is a cornerstone for me in my daily practice. I share it with you to inspire you, to let you know you are not alone in the struggle that life demands and that there is a better way to enjoy more of that life you are living.
In a subsequent post I comment on Intention and how once Awareness is practiced then you can learn how to plan for and predict the short term outcomes you desire. I am open and excited to talk with you if you want guidance in practicing this new habit. I am here, pick up the phone, or send me a note.
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