The Perfect New Years Stew
Time to Hit the Refresh Button

The Perfect New Years Stew
Lets cook it up and get it done, last year has been simmering for about a year.
Time to hit the refresh button. New Years is a time for shifting the calendar by a digit and that’s it.
We are somehow trained that this is the time of year that we must reinvent ourselves and by reinvent I mean we are trained to notice our bad selves and specifically pay attention to all that is “wrong” with ourselves. Then change all that on Jan first for good. Talk about pressure and hence the stew we make with ourselves this time of year. Let’s change that.
I suggest you adopt the following practice instead.
1) Notice all that you did that was good. Take note of the projects you accomplished, the ones people noticed and the ones that people did not notice. Notice the good you did for others, for friends, for family members, for our children, our pets, for the community we live in, and or how we treated strangers.
2) You can also “complete” the negative things, but do it gently. Make a list of what did not go as planned. The point of this is to notice and forgive yourself. Just notice that the world did not stop, its alright to just notice the screw ups. You would get extra credit for laughing at yourself. Notice what is there and let it go. All the pain, guilt and remorse you would have carried with you in the new year can be let go. You would then be complete and you could move forward with ease, grace and compassion.
3) Once you truly feel present, and motivated move on to inventing
4) Invent your new year, make a list of little and big things that make you smile. Dream of work accomplishments, relationships flourishing, Hobbies fulfilled, new clients found and or create what is means to be fulfilled.
The purpose of this “completion” work is to be in touch with your own confidence, to recognize what passion feels like, it should be familiar. When you are confident and or present to what is possible you will notice your own performance, and your ability to enroll others skyrockets.
"Once you develop confidence in your own ability, you’ll be able to make a real contribution to creating a better world. Self-confidence is very important. Not in the sense of blind pride, but as a realistic awareness of what you can do. As human beings we can transform ourselves by our good qualities and reducing our faults. Our intelligence enables us to judge what is good from what is harmful." - Dali Lama
I believe we are on this earth, each of us to shine in our own way. We are here to make the most of our experience and to be happy and fulfilled as we do it. We all have the ability to be happy and that should be the focus of all our inventions. You too can make your own recipe of success and you should. Start with what you know to be true about yourself and relish in the good that you do. Embrace all of you, the way you are. Oh and Happy New Year.
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