Living a Better Life by Understanding the Water in Which You Swim
This is Water, Life is Simple

Life is simple, This is Water
Life is simple, this is one of the greatest truths. Its just that maybe we do not get to experience that concept too often as we are swimming in our own water of white noise and daily frustrations.
There is so much drama, pain and suffering in the world that we are witness to on a daily basis. When we are faced with so much of this we can start to believe that these distractions are portrayed in our culture as acceptable and or normal. Just watch some tv show these days and you will quickly agree that drama sells. We are set up to accept that arguments, hurtful comments made to loved ones and co-workers become the norm. We adopt that “this is the way it is” and then we are swimming in the water and that is what this article is about. The question I have for you is;
What suffering are you swimming in?
What simply just gets in the way of being happy, fulfilled and satisfied?
You see we as humans we should be taught at an early age that we get to choose our mood, our feelings and that we have this amazing ability to alter who we are being moment to moment. We can shift on a dime. Just think about the last time you were angry, upset, or in the middle of an disagreement with someone and the phone rings. You immediately shift, without thought, and answer the phone in your nicest sing song hello greeting to the other person like all is fine in the world.
“Feelings are like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.”
So we can shift we know that. The next logical question or thought is why we spend so much time suffering when we could be happy. In business, we must put on the face and do what is required to be happy, be present and be committed to the work you are doing. My work with my clients starts with a pretty simple thought process of learning how to choose the feeling and mindset that is most effective for any given business situation. This takes conscious planning and thought and is a learned behavior. Personally I think this is the most powerful education anyone could receive and practice.
The joys of the world are available to you at any moment as long as you are willing to be aware of who you are being and have the knowledge that you can shift that in the moment to who you could be to have the experience and result you are committed to.
Are you committed to being happy, or something else?
I had this article ready to post when a client shared a YouTube video with me that just about hit my point between the eyes. That video I wanted to share was taken off the internet by the author. However I included a link to the original talk given by David Foster Wallace. Wish the original video was available, but c'est la vie.
This Is Water (Watch on YouTube) ~ Highly Recommended
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