Business is about Workability

Its all about workability and that concept may be lost on many.


Business is all about Workability, and that concept is lost on many people.

In this short post, I want to show you how to make your business life more Workable.

I speak with many business owners and stakeholders in companies, this is what I do as a business coach and I get to witness a lot. What I have found is that many people put their energy and attention in the wrong place when trying to solve problems in their environment. I have an easier solution to solving the headaches that get in the way, but first you need to understand the concept of workability.

Workability is one distinction that makes a big difference for clients of mine in a position to make choices with employees, customers and with your product or service. Distinctions are hence concepts to consider that open up a world to make us think in a new way or new paradigm. When you take advantage of that new paradigm or choice then you have a better chance to thrive instead of suffer through one more bad business day.

Today that distinction is the word “Workability”; and it’s not so much the word that matters, but how it is distinguished that could make a big difference for you. I want you to consider this to be your new business mantra, a mantra that will help you out of countless business problems and struggles and provide clarity.

Workability distinguished means: That “it” either works, or “it” does not work. (pick one)

Workability is one or the other. Your job in business is to make everything certain and consistent and your positive results follow from that. Certainty is what we need in business first and foremost. Business is not about personalities, it’s not about egos, it’s not about politics, religion or anyone’s feelings. Business is about business and your business needs to thrive to survive. It needs to work.

You could have the best;

Product, but if you charge too much and get no sales then it is not workable.

Employees, but if they are sloppy with your clients, then that is not workable.

Customers, but if they complain to get you to do “free” work then it is not workable.

Everything in your business must work so it is your job to make it workable or suffer the consequences. My point is that you can choose to make more things certain rather than uncertain and you then you would have a workable business situation. In other words, I am asking you to declare that you will commit to making everything that you can certain. Say NO to things you currently put up with, and you know what I am talking about. Say no to uncertainty, stop making excuses for it and instead say YES to what works. That is the workability model and let me tell you why it should matter.

The thing about business is that at the end of the day;

 “Business needs to be black and white, implying certainty and NO GREY areas or uncertainty”.

I invite you to BE certain starting today. Work with people that are 100% on board, deliver product or service that is in demand at the right price. Be certain that being workable is the only way to thrive.

If I can help let me know, be in touch, reach out and tell me how you would like to be in a more Workable Success Story.

Cheers and here’s to workability!


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