You want more, that is why you are in charge of your success!
Congratulations, you now are in a position to make money for yourself. You have made the leap to being in charge of your financial future, your time and your results. You may be a consultant, or a business owner in start up mode, but one thing is true as a solopreneur you must make sales to survive and you must deliver on the sales you make or caput. Back to the cube you go.
Solopreneurs are people like you that have to sell in order to put food on the table. Solopreneurs is a term I coined for a very fast growing sector of our working world. The solo business owner that is a consultant or similar field where you are the boss and the only employee. You launched out on your own to start a business based on your skills at a sprecific product or service. Congratulations.
Solopreneurs face many issues, but the one I see over and over is the professional that has the skills but does not have all the business acumen. The biggest of that is the ability to bring in new business clients and to keep them happy so that they can refer new work to you. This is the desire you all should have and I will help you achieve that.
The problem is that many of you do not want to sell, or if you do want to sell you may be stuck in OLD selling styles that are outdated and NOT effective for you. Do not worry you are not alone and you can learn the easy way to success. You have a profession you are great at, and you are leveraging those skills in your profession. Maybe you are a consultant, or graphic designer or some other small business where you are basically the only employee.
Perhaps you are reading this because you want more?
I have listened and learned that you want;
To use your skills and be out on your own without a boss or a cube.
you want want more fun while making lots of money,
you want more ease in negotiations,
you want more freedom with your time.
But somehow one or all of these things are eluding you. It's okay I already know that, that is what my clients want more of and that's how I help.
You are not alone if you feel a bit like you are treading water, or perhaps even sinking. I have found that small adjustments, and simple strategies can make the Soloprener's life much easier and more fruitful. It may not be about learning Sales, but rather forgetting what you have learned that makes you more successful. Most of my solopreneur clients originally told me, they do not like sales or selling yet you must do this to pay the bills. We together as partners make this work less daunting and more rewarding.
Give me a call for a confidential conversation so I can see if we are a match and I can help provide the partnership, fresh ideas and accountability you want.
Live each day as if you rehearsed for it your whole life ~ Paul McAskill
Paul has a remarkable ability to help his clients get in touch with the hidden or subliminal issues that often cause the most difficulty in achieving remarkable sales performance. Starting from a generous acceptance of you as you really are, he helps you find pathways to breakthroughs and transformations that in turn lead you to the results you seek, all using a supportive and collaborative approach.
Dave S CIO-Solopreneur